Also in 2024, we continue with our “Climate Figure of the Day” series! Every day, I’ll be sharing a climate or climate change related figure. This month will focus on 2023’s year statistics, january and winter statistics.
31 January
The North Atlantic remains warmer than ever measured at this time of year. This is the case for over 330 days now!
30 January
January will clearly be the warmest on record globally.
28 January
Following up on yesterday’s #ClimateFigureOfTheDay:
Since the 70s, Ny-Ålesund has not only warmed but also seen increased precipitation. Winter prec. has surged by over 50 mm. This increase is consistent with the temperature rise; warmer air holds more moisture.

27 January
We have often looked at Svalbard, specifically capital Longyearbyen. Today, let’s have look at Ny-Ålesund.
Over the last decades, Ny-Ålesund has seen an extreme increase in winter temperatures. From the start of the measurements, the increase is about 3°C. But the change is even more dramatic from the coldest decades in the previous century, with a rise of over 5°C since the ’70s!
25 January
Here’s what the sea ice extent is doing in one of the fastest warming places on Earth. The sea ice extent in Svalbard is clearly trending downward.
24 January
In our Climate Figure of the Day series, we have looked at many different climate related measures, in many different regions. Here we show the most major climate indicators for our globe. A nice visual summary of a sad story.
22 January
The number of extremely cold days in Helsinki is also very high, especially considering the downward trend..
21 January
The current winter is an ‘odd one out’ considering recent years. Amount of Ice Days is already higher than many recent years and above the trendline for the time of year.
20 January
Even a cold month or winter in Helsinki, like this one, doesn’t say anything about trends in general or disprove global warming.
Today’s Climate Figure of the day shows 10% highest (red), median (black) and 10% lowest (blue) daily maximum temperatures in Helsinki.
17 January
Ocean heat is one of the main climate indicators, as oceans take up about >90% of the excess energy in the climate system. Here is how ocean heat content has been changing over the years.
16 January
December was extremely warm globally, however it was especially anomalously warm in The Arctic. Southern latitudes, specifically the Antarctic, were the nly places slightly below average.
This is once again a reminder that an extremely warm month globally, not every single location on Earth has to be warmer than average. Even in a warming climate, certain regions can still experience relatively cold days, weeks and months.
15 January
January snow is becoming increasingly rare in the Netherlands. A snow cover rarely forms in recent year and the trend is statisically very significant.
14 January
Copernicus shows that throughout the year of 2023, approximately half of the days were over 1.5°C warmer than the 1850-1900 average. In a notable first, November saw two days where the temperature anomaly exceeded 2°C above pre-industrial.
11 January
This is what the warmest year on record (2023) looked like globally. This is also a good reminder that in a warm year globally, not every single location on Earth has to be warmer than average. Even in a warming climate, certain regions can still experience relatively cold days, weeks, months and even years.
10 January
As the climate warms, precipitaiton increases in many places, especially winter precipitation.
9 January
It has been clear for a while, but it is official onw: 2023 was the warmest year on record globally. According to Copernicus, this year did not yet breach the 1.5°C above pre-industrial level, but it comes very close.
8 January
2023 was the 2nd warmest year on record in the UK, just below the record set only one year earlier.
7 January
2023 was the wettest year on record in the Netherlands, with 1150 mm. As the climate warms, precipitation increases.
2 January
The dashed line shows the 10% highest (red), median (black) and 10% lowest (blue) daily minimum temperatures at The Netherlands main weather station in De Bilt. In dashed lines, the 1961-1990 climatology in 1991-2020, the current climatology.
1 January
Happy New Year! Earth’s energy imbalance is growing. More heat is being trapped than released. This causes the globe to warm. Will 2024 also break records, like record warm 2023?
For earlier Climate Figures of The Day, I refer you to these links below:
Climate Figure of The Day December: click here.
Climate Figure of The Day November: click here.
Climate Figure of The Day October: click here.